444 – 446 N Main St, Doylestown, PA 18901
Mitchells Medicinals

Our hemp derived CBD is non-GMO, Ethanol extracted with the highest concentrations using all organic farming practices.
About Mitchells Medicinals
Life can be difficult enough, but during times of extreme loss (death, divorce, job loss) finding ways to stay on the correct path and focused can be even more challenging. My reliance on natural plant medicines to get me through only helped so much. I was forced to try allopathic medicine, but I did not like the way pharmaceutics made me feel. I then discovered cannabidiol or CBD, and my life was forever changed. Since that time in 2015, I have been on mission to educate and help people understand the overall health benefits of CBD. In 2017 I created my own company, Mitchell’s Medicinals, and have been educating people on the holistic health benefits of CBD. I put that passion into the quality of my products. I now work with over 100 healthcare practitioners (chiropractors, acupuncturists, MD’s, DO’s, functional Dr’s, nutritionists, Naturalpaths, massage therapists) and with thousands of their patients. Together, we have been testing various formulas, concentrations, and types of extracts to improve the bio-availablility and therefore effectiveness of my CBD products. I have been speaking publicly about the overall health benefits of CBD and our findings since 2017. I am passionate about natural health remedies and alternative health. I am a IIN Certified Health Coach and a Healer Trained Consultant.
Mitchell Ebert – Owner